Finalist Best Accommodation Experience - Superior Hotel Tourism Awards 2008 | Yit Hong Pte Ltd

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Finalist Best Accommodation Experience - Superior Hotel Tourism Awards 2008 | Yit Hong Pte Ltd

Finalist Best Accommodation Experience - Superior Hotel Tourism Awards 2008

Finalist Best Accommodation Experience - Superior Hotel Tourism Awards 2008

Your Inspiration, Our Appreciation

Finalist Best Accommodation Experience - Superior Hotel Tourism Awards 2008

Our thanks to all who have inspired us to become one of the top three hotels in our class.

Gallery Hotel is Singapore’s first Hip-Art Design hotel and one of the top three finalists for the award for Best Accommodation experience – Superior hotel category at the Singapore Tourism Award 2008. As a tribute to living art, Gallery Hotel grows as a constantly evolving creative exhibit.

To all the inspired individuals who showed us support, Gallery Hotel would like to say “thanks You”.

Gallery Hotel – the Hotel that Inspires.

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