Year 2023 Calendar Collection - Yit Hong

A leading canned food supplier in Singapore
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Year 2023 Calendar Collection - Yit Hong

Year 2023 Calendar Collection - Yit Hong

Year 2023 Calendar Collection - Yit Hong

Greeting from Yit Hong 

2023 brings about a year of new adventures, as well as lessons learned from the past year. We are here to support you through the good and challenging times, ready to overcome and celebrate any circumstances together.

Besides being household products, the theme of our 2023 desktop calendar is to search for the “superb match” in the F&B sector that have been sharing and recommending our products for years. Be that the iconic Narcissus Pork Leg Fried Bee Hoon, or the latest hit of Luncheon Meat Fries, showcasing the delight, from our customers, with our products and fellow talented chefs.

A reminder of how our canned food can also contribute to the vibrant food industry in Singapore. We wish all A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

 感恩2022,迎接2023!我们与您携手共进,继往开来,共同悦纳时光给 予的一切馈赠。 2023年台历,特别挑选推介在新加坡食品及餐饮业界,采用一丰产品并 与我司有多年契合的一些从业伙伴:从久负盛名的水仙花牌猪脚炒米粉, 到新近流行的午餐肉炸薯条,再到美不胜收的新潮甜点,这12个月中, 您不但能领略到厨师们通过精湛厨艺,用一丰经典罐头产品缔造出的道道 深受大众喜爱的精致美食,而且同时也能够体验到,除了成为广大消费者 的居家必备,在充满活力的新加坡食品业界中,同样有一丰产品的努力和 奉献! 最后恭祝大家在来临的癸卯兔年身体健康,万事如意,并恭祝新加坡国泰 民安!

Superb Match - 味探索

CALENDAR YIT HONG 2023 _Outline_-01

CALENDAR YIT HONG 2023 _Outline_-03

CALENDAR YIT HONG 2023 _Outline_-04

CALENDAR YIT HONG 2023 _Outline_-05

January - Narcissus Whole Mushrooms

Collaborating with Swanson - Chicken Broth with Narcissus Whole Mushrooms


February - Narcissus Lychees in Syrup

Collaborating with The JellyHeart - Jelly Cheesecake with Narcissus Lychees


March - Spiced Pork Cubes

Collaborating with Ming Chung - Noodles with Narcissus Spiced Pork Cubes


April - Codfo Chopped Pork & Ham

Collaborating with Little Island Brewing Co. - Codfo Luncheon Fries


May - Yifon Bottled Mushrooms

Collaborating with Triplets - Make your own Salad wth Yifon Mushrooms


June - AhLing Pork Luncheon Meat (Less Sodium)

Collaborating with Lazy Sloth - Nasi Lemak Set with AhLing Luncheon Meat


July - Narcissus Stewed Pork Chops

Collaborating with Chef Goo - Claypot Narcissus Pork Chop Noodles


August - Narcissus Pork Leg with Mushrooms

Collaborating with Ming Chung - Narcissus Pork Leg Fried Bee Hoon


September - Yifon Longans in Syrup

Collaborating with PrimaDéli - Yifon Longans & Peach Cake


October - MaLing Pork Luncheon Meat

Collaborating with Xin Wang HK Cafe - HK Styled Dishes with MaLing Luncheon Meat


November - Coren Iberico Pork Luncheon Meat

Collaborating with Wan Wan Mookata - Thai BBQ with Coren Iberico Pork Luncheon Meat


December - Yifon Snacks

Collaborating with Little Island Brewing Co. - Yifon Premium Snacks with Beer

